Mom Loves 2 Read 2 - backup blog: 2013-08-25
For all current Mom Loves 2 Read Reviews, Giveaways, Mommy Moments and More go to ~

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Favorite Posts Show Off Weekend Blog Party ~ Come Party with your fellow bloggers!

Happy Friday and welcome to another edition of the SHOW OFF Weekend Blog Party! It's a new month and we have some new stuff happening with our awesome blog party.  First off, I have 2 new hosts who will be helping me kick off the party every weekend. Give it up for:

This month's party is going to be HUGE! Not only do you have 3 hosts to bring the party to you but you also have 6 co-hosts to spread the love! Meet my awesome co-hostees for the month of September:

Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise

Michelle from On A Wing and A Prayer

Maria from Music Teaching and Parenting

Cheryl from Little Things, Big Difference

Keia Blake from Improving Me

Susan from Mom Loves 2 Read

Let's SHOW OFF our favorites from my August co-hosts:

Stacey loved the post from Pushing Twigs: "My fave from last week came from Julie at Pushing Twigs with her post about letting go. I totally get this oldest son just moved out on his own, and since we are so close, it has definitely been hard. I miss him, tons, but I know that he has to grow and learn independence first hand."

The Artisan Life received a thumbs up from Michelle: "I love essential oils and the health benefits they provide. Natasha @ The Artisan Life shows us how simple it is to make our own reed diffuser without the harmful chemicals in commercial products.

Sandra chose Lazy Hippie Mama as her favorite from last week: 

"I really liked this because it reminded me to keep things in perspective and not to sweat the small stuff.  I laughed when I read her stories and it brightened my whole day!" 


I loved the tips given on how to stop whining from Mothering From Scratch.  I have a 2 year old and a 19 year old.  The whining never seems to stop! 

Another favorite comes from Calm Healthy Sexy. This is awesome advice to keep the spark going with your spouse! 

Congratulations to all of our featured bloggers! Take our badge and SHOW OFF your blogger skills by placing it on the side and encouraging others to come join in on the fun! 

My September Co-host, Cathy, is having an awesome giveaway to celebrate her 1 year of blogging! Check it out here and don't forget to stop by and link up your blogs with her! 

My Top Facebook Fan of the Week is Marty from Marty's Thoughts on Life and Money.  Congratulations Marty! Watch for my post on Marty this week! If you want to be my Top Fan, like my Facebook Page and visit frequently. Link your pages with us too so we can give you lots of likes! 

Love the party? Come join me! I am looking for other bloggers to co-host My Favorite Posts SHOW OFF Weekend Blog Party for the month of October AND November.  It's only $4.00 a month (thats $1.00 a week) and you will also receive 50% off your ad space. On top of that EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE to your blogs through social media every week! Interested? Email me at 

Ready to party? We are! Here's some general guidelines before we begin:

  • Link up your favorite posts. It doesn't matter which one, just make sure it's family friendly! 

  • Follow all 3 of your hosts

  • Follow all  6 co-hosts

  • Leave a comment if you'd like them to follow you too

  • Visit at least 5 other bloggers 

  • Show them your blogger love by leaving a comment  if you'd like them to follow 

Remember, it's not a party unless you mingle, so mingle around and make some friends! 

Take our beautiful badge and proudly display it on your side bar to encourage others to party with us!

FavePost PartyBadge photo<br />blogbadge.jpg

Let's party! 

For Your Facebook Pages:

Friday, August 30, 2013

WOW blog tour, GIVEAWAY & Guest Post by Cami Ostman

I thought this would be something interesting to share with my readers - Feel free to leave me a comment below telling me what you think about each of these books!

WOW! Blog Tour - Guest Post by Cami Ostman "Remaking Yourself After Divorce"

Thank you WOW! Women on Writing for introducing me to the amazingly
talented Cami Ostman who recently published a very interested anthology.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves...First, let's read Cami's guest

Remaking Yourself After Divorce

can knock you off your foundation like a divorce. When people stand in
front of their beloved on their wedding day and promise to love and
honor forever, they don't have impending plans to separate down the
road—but they know that divorce is a possibility.

me, when I got married at twenty-three (a virgin who had saved herself
for God's right man), I not only committed to doing the best I could by
my marriage, but I also believed that to leave it would be a sin, an
affront against the Almighty One who was in charge of my eternal soul
and who had ordained marriage so that each man could have a helpmate.
Coming to a decision to leave my marriage meant changing my
understanding of God first. Thus, when I divorced my first husband, I
had to divorce God in a sense, too.

the time I was in a headspace that would allow me to leave an unhappy
relationship (to a kind man, I hasten to say—I want to be clear that the
need to leave was mine), I had unpacked a trunk full of narratives
about who God wanted me to be and had thrown out most of what I'd found
inside of that trunk. But since I'd based my entire self-image on
Someone Else's agenda and oriented my identity around marriage, my story
about me was blank, waiting to be rewritten.

people, when they divorce, may not face such a dramatic and total
re-writing of self, but everyone has to revise their identity to some
degree. So how
a person remake, recover, and revise after a divorce? I was lucky in
that I'd been working as a marriage and family therapist for a few years
before I went through my own divorce and had had the benefit of
watching many clients sort through this question—some effectively, some
not so much. Here's what I learned and what ultimately helped me move

Gather around you a group of flexible friends that has the capacity to
watch you change. They should be people who are not invested in you
staying the same or being who you've always been. Some of my friends
couldn't do that, and at least two of them shunned me. But I had about
four good friends who took a "wait and see" stance, who showed up to
support me in my grief and let me make statements about myself ("I think
I'm someone who likes to take big risks!") which ultimately ended up to
NOT be true. These people are a safety net. They give a very precious
gift: stability. They stand still while you bounce around. They don't
buy into everything you say, but they DO let you say it without
countering it because they understand that you don't have your sea legs
yet. If you are in the midst of a divorce and you don't have such
friends, please do yourself a favor and find a good therapist who can
play this role for you.

Have faith. I know this may sound odd coming from someone who lost her
faith during her divorce, but I only lost my faith in SOME things. I
developed a great deal of faith in one or two others. For example, I
learned to trust time. Almost nothing you fear is true about yourself in
the midst of divorce (I'm useless/I'll be alone forever/I must be
terrible for leaving) will last forever. Indeed, some fears last a very,
very long time and need a great deal of attention to overcome,  but
they still won't stick around forever. Whenever possible, remember this.
And move forward as if it is true.

also learned to trust experimentation. Try a new color on your wall.
Cut off your hair. Go dancing. Small acts—doing things you wouldn't
"normally" do—give you information about yourself and stretch you just a
bit. Your experiments don't have to be drastic. Try ignoring when your
ex-spouse pushes your buttons if that's different from your usual
response. Then notice how it feels. Does it make you feel more powerful
and in charge? Or less? Take that information in and decide what to do
with it. What I've noticed when watching clients go through divorce is
that the more paralyzed they are by their devastation, the more likely
they are to get themselves into another relationship pickle again—soon.
Fear invites us to look for something familiar, while undertaking small,
self-exploring experiments opens up space for new behaviors and a new
self-image to emerge.

Finally, be gentle. Remaking yourself is a messy process. In the midst
of divorce you are confused. Your family is confused. Things will be
messy as you try on the new you. Forgive yourself and others for
bumbling through this year or two. It took me two full years to feel
comfortable in my own skin. A common rule of thumb is that for every
year you were married, you'll need a month to recuperate from a divorce.
I was only married to my ex-husband for eleven years, but I'd been with
God for two decades. When we get divorced, we're changing more than our
marital status, so be gracious with yourself if re-inventing yourself
is taking longer than you thought it would.

are my brief reflections, and I know that every journey is a little
different. For those of you facing the difficult time divorce presents,
may you breathe your way through and trust that you will make it,
emerging on the other side as a more mature, more evolved version of

And now...a little more about Cami's book:

Book Hashtag: #SLWExtreme

Beyond Belief addresses what happens when women of
extreme religions decide to walk away. Editors Susan Tive (a former Orthodox
Jew) and Cami Ostman (a de-converted fundamentalist born-again Christian) have
compiled a collection of powerful personal stories written by women of varying
ages, races, and religious backgrounds who share one commonality: they’ve all
experienced and rejected extreme religions.

Covering a wide range of religious communities—including Evangelical, Catholic,
Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Calvinist, Moonie, and Jehovah’s Witness—and containing
contributions from authors like Julia Scheeres (Jesus Land), the stories
in Beyond Belief reveal how these women became involved, what their
lives were like, and why they came to the decision to eventually abandon their
faiths. The authors shed a bright light on the rigid expectations and misogyny
so often built into religious orthodoxy, yet they also explain the lure—why so
many women are attracted to these lifestyles, what they find that’s beautiful
about living a religious life, and why leaving can be not only very difficult
but also bittersweet.

About the Authors of Beyond Belief: The Secret Lives of Women in Extreme Religions

Ostman is an author, editor, life coach and a licensed marriage and
family therapist with publications in her field. She blogs at and on the blogger team.
She has appeared in several publications, including O, The Oprah
Magazine, Fitness Magazine, Adventures Northwest, the Mudgee Guardian in
Australia, and La Prensa in Chile. Cami is a runner and a dog lover who
lives in Bellingham, Washington.

a writer, editor, and researcher, Susan has worked on a variety of
academic articles exploring psychology, feminism and religion. Susan's
interest in these subjects led her to become an editor for several
non-fiction titles including Faith and Feminism and Rachel's Bag. 

I received free the item(s) mentioned in this post in exchange for my honest review. Regardless ~ All my reviews are my honest and personal opinion and are not influenced nor reviewed by the sponsor prior to posting.For more info, see my FTC disclosure or Review Policy.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Little Passports: A Global Adventure ~ The Fun, Unique and Exciting way to get kids to learn Geography

Little Passports is your child’s ticket to an exciting global adventure.
Inspire a love and understanding of the world as your child learns
about a country’s geography, history and culture in a fun and memorable

You child or children will follow Sam and Sofia on their exciting adventures around the USA and
the world.  You can choose from the USA edition or the World Edition.

In USA Edition - Sam and Sofia will travel around to new states every month. 

In the World Edition, Sam and Sofia travel to a new country every month.

My Review:

I was given a choice between trying the USA or World Edition of Little Passports for my review.  I chose the World Edition and I am very happy with it! 

The very first month my children received an adorable blue suitcase in the mail.  Inside was a passport book, stickers of Sam and Sofia, and World map, a luggage tag/boarding pass to hang on the suitcase and a letter from Sam and Sofia explaining about their magical scooter which takes them on adventures. 

Then each month after a package arrives with Sam and Sofia's latest Country they have visited.  Included is a letter with activities to do about the country, a boarding pass with a code to access the online games on the Little Passports website, a craft or activity from that country and a fun souvenir.  Along with all that is a postcard with a photo of Sam and Sofia somewhere fun in that country of the month.

This past month was super exciting for my kids.  Their best friends (and mine) moved to Japan 2 years ago with work.  They came back this summer for a visit and we had a sleepover party with the kids the day our Little Passports package arrived.  You'll never guess what country it was about!!  Japan!  Inside was and oragami package, a sushi eraser puzzle and fun facts about Mt. Fuji and Tsukiji, Japan where the largest fish market in the world is.  My daughter Allison had special help from her BFF filling out the fun activity questions since her BFF knew most of the answers! 

My girls love getting their Little Passports package each month in the mail.  My son feels that he is too old (he just turned 12), but I still find him listening when the girls are reading their letter each month.

I love knowing that my children are not only learning but having fun while learning.  Each month has new hands-on activities as well as online activities that they can do to learn more about each country.

You can find out more and see a sample of the monthly adventures HERE

And right now you can even get your first month for 40% OFF!

There are a variety of packages you can choose from ~ You can do monthly, 3 month, 6 month and 12 month for both the USA and World Editions.  Subscriptions are as low as only $11.95 per month!

This makes a wonderful gift that children can enjoy the whole year!  With the holidays coming soon, consider a gift that keeps on giving.  With Little Passports your child, grandchild, niece or nephew will get a new gift to enjoy every month!

If you start a 6 or 12 month subscription between
8/27-8/31, you can get free shipping on your order if you use the code
SHIPFREE, which is a $15-$20 savings depending on the plan you purchase!
(If you live in Canada, you qualify for free shipping too. How cool is that??)  Just click my affiliate link to claim your free shipping! ~ Little
Passports Free Shipping with code: SHIPFREE from 8/27-8/31

Enter below for a chance to WIN a FREE 3 Month Subscription to Little Passports: A Global Adventure - winner gets to choose either USA Edition or World Edition - Open to US only 18+ 

I received free 3 month subscription to the World Edition of Little Passports in exchange for this review. I am also an affiliate with Little Passports and have posted my affiliate link in this post. Regardless ~ All my reviews are my honest and personal opinion and are not influenced nor reviewed by the sponsor prior to posting.For more info, see my FTC disclosure or Review Policy.

Enter Today ~ #The Ultimate Life Blog App, GIVEAWAY & fun on Mom Loves 2 Read

Welcome to Mom Loves 2 Read

Today I have a special post about the new movie coming out: The Ultimate Life

Read through, have fun with the Blog App

then enter the Giveaway for The Ultimate Life Prize Pack

Are you living

How can you know if you are?

Between the
pressure of running a foundation started by his late grandfather, being sued by
his greedy extended family, and seeing his beloved Alexia leave on an extended
mission trip to Haiti, Jason Stevens' world is unraveling. But when Jason
discovers a journal that his grandfather began as a Depression-era lad, his
writings transport Jason on an incredible rags-to-riches ride. With everything
he loves hanging in the balance, Jason hopes he can discover THE ULTIMATE

The movie is opening in
theaters September 6, THE ULTIMATE LIFE (the sequel to The Ultimate Gift)
reminds us some things are worth more than money! 

With The
Ultimate Life Blog App
, take the quiz to find out if YOU are Living Life to
the Fullest! Read six great ways to start living the ultimate life NOW, as
written by Jim Stovall, author of The Ultimate Life book. And watch the official
trailer for this inspiring movie! 

To see if you are living the ultimate life - Do YOU ~

Life to the Fullest?
QUIZ - Some things are worth more than money. Take the
quiz to see if you are truly living your life, or merely spending it! 

6 Ways to
Live The Ultimate Life PDF
- Read Jim Stovall’s (author of The Ultimate Life
book upon which the movie is based) insightful ways to live better!

Tweet using the #TheUltimateLife hashtag about the
release of The Ultimate Life in theaters September 6!

How would you like to WIN an Official Ultimate Life Prize Pack! 

The prize pack

• DVD of The
Ultimate Gift
• The Ultimate Gift book by Jim Stovall
• The Ultimate
Gift charm bracelet
• The Ultimate Life leather-bound journal

Then enter below!  US only 18+ - NO PO Boxes please.


I received all info in the post above through PartnersHub through The Ultimate Life for this promotion and giveaway. For more info, see my FTC disclosure or Review Policy.

Alone Yet Not Alone ~ Book Review, Movie Promotion, and GIVEAWAY

Alone Yet Not Alone (the

Written by:
Tracy Leininger Craven


Paperback: 148

About Alone Yet Not Alone (novelization):

Settled in the Blue
Mountains of Pennsylvania, deep within America's new frontier, the Leininger
family celebrates the blessings of a beautiful homestead and bountiful harvest.
That is, until tragedy strikes with the beginning of the French and Indian War
and the devastating raid known as the Penn's Creek Massacre.

The lives of this simple,
God-fearing family are forever altered when Barbara and Regina, two young
sisters, are carried away by

the Delaware tribe. Driven by their faith in God and
the powerful bonds of family, Barbara and Regina hold firmly to the belief that
they are never alone, even in their darkest hour, and that they will be reunited

Rich in historical
details, Alone Yet Not Alone is an inspirational, true story of a family
caught in the cross fire of the French and Indian War.

About The Author:

Tracy Leininger Craven
loves history and retelling real-life stories in her historical fiction books.
She also loves spending her free time in the great outdoors with her husband
David and their four children.

My Review:

This book and movie are based on a true story of a family with unshakable faith in God.  Through horrific trials, death and separation, the each remain faithful to God and their desire to reunite with the family they have left.  After years of living with the native american tribe that she was kidnapped and forced to live in, Barbara finally escapes and seeks freedom, and continues her search for the sisters she feels is still alive somewhere.

This story is heartrending.  It is a lesson in true faith.  Barbara and Regina help each other cope with the tragedy that is occurring by reminding themselves to keep their faith by never losing the song they were taught as young children, "Alone yet not alone."  Singing very softly to her sister, Barbara keeps their focus and faith alive even when her sister is torn from her and sent with a separate band of native americans to live.

I was in tears throughout much of this book.  Tears of hurt for young Barbara and Regina, tears of horror at what some of the captives faced, then finally tears of joy at a reunion that was never supposed to happen.

My aunt was visiting the day I received this book in the mail.  She looked at it and started reading.  She couldn't put it down.  She sat and read the whole book in one afternoon and said it was an amazing story. 


This is a very moving piece of history, family and faith that now has a prominent place in my bookcase!  One I will read again and again.  I can't wait to get a chance to see the movie!  It comes into theaters on September 27th, 2013.

And remember this incredible historic book is recommended for children ages 8 and up and is a
read they are guaranteed to love. It combines great adventure with even greater
values - kids won't even realize they are learning about history! 

About Alone Yet Not Alone (THE MOVIE):

Releases in theaters Sept 27th, 2013 - Find a Theater

Starring: Kelly Greyson, Natalie
Racoosin, Clay Walker, Jenn Gotzon, Joanie Stewart, Ozzie Torres, Tony

Families will love this film based on a true story! Awarded 5 Doves from
the Dove Foundation!

Stay Connected:

Alone Yet Not Alone to Your City

Now for the FUN - The GIVEAWAY!

One reader will receive a copy of Alone Yet Not Alone the book (novelization).  

The same one that I received free for this review.  

Open to US and CANADA where allowed by law.  

Must be 13 or older with parent's permission to enter.

I received free the item(s) mentioned in this post in exchange for my honest review through FlyBy Promotions.  Mom Loves 2 Read is not responsible for prize shipments. Regardless ~ All my reviews are my honest and personal opinion and are not influenced nor reviewed by the sponsor prior to posting.For more info, see my FTC disclosure or Review Policy.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Standing Up! Autographed DVD GIVEAWAY ~ A heartwarming story of courage and anti-bullying


Based on one of the most beloved Young Adult novels of all time and directed by the acclaimed D.J. Caruso, Standing Up
follows two kids who get bullied by a vicious summer camp prank. Left
together on an island, their adventure begins once they decide not to be
victims and instead they Stand Up! 


Standing Up
is an adorable and heart-warming gem of a movie with an important
anti-bullying message that’s suitable for the whole family! Get the DVD
August 20!


What can be done to help the bullied “stand up” for themselves?

One of the best things we can do to understand the problem and discuss solutions is to be inspired. The movie “Standing Up” is THAT inspiration.

I personally intend to watch this movie with my children as soon as I can.  My son has been a victim of bullying in school for the past several years, and although I can try my best to help him find ways to deal with it, bullying still hurts.  I also was bullied as a child, and can understand the frustration, hurt and sometimes anger that can result from that type of treatment by a child's peers - please check out this movie and blog app.



StandUPDVD~ Now for the FUN ~ 

The giveaway: 

lucky person will win a Standing Up! Autographed DVD. Open to
US only.

Giveaway will run 8/26 ends 9/01 

 To enter, simply fill in the entries on the form provided.

The more entries you complete the better your chance of winning!


Mom Loves 2 Read is not responsible for prize shipment. I received all information in the above post through Arc Entertainment via partnershub.  I am a partnershub review blogger. For more info, see my FTC disclosure or Review Policy.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mommy Moments Mondays Link Up - come join the parenting fun by sharing your blog posts each week.

In order to find a way to make sure I am posting my Mommy Moments each week and not letting the opportunities pass me by, I decide to start a weekly hop that will showcase each Mommy or Mom Blogger's personal experiences.  I'm  hoping that you will all join me in checking out other Mom's parenting moments with their kiddos, while sharing our own each week.

Support each other by stopping by each post and leaving a comment!  You have an entire week to read through as many or few as you can.  Share and commiserate with each other in our parenting ups and downs and help support each other as we struggle to balance housework, jobs, parenting, blogging and so much more!

Sound like something you would enjoy?  Think you'd like to join the fun of reading other parent's fun and not so fun moments raising kids?


~~**~~ Hop Rules ~~**~~

1 ~ Please follow Mom Loves 2 Read (the Host Mommy)  & any Co-Hosts each week.

2 ~ Grab the Hop Button and place it on your blog sidebar so everyone who visits knows that you are part of the Mommy Moments Mondays Hop!

3 ~ Link Up your post!  Post the direct URL to one of your most recent or favorite Mommy Moments posts.  I can be anything related to Mommy-hood, parenting, children, pregnancy, personal struggles, school, encouragement for parents, etc.  

Please only add one link per week, per blog.

4 ~ Visit other Mommy Posts!  The main focus of this weekly hop is to share our experiences and encourage one another - so visit as many as you can each week and follow them, leave a comment or two on their post and make sure to mention that you are part of the MMM hop!

5 ~ Share this link up on your social media - the more we share the more Moms will join!  Share to fb, twitter, pinterest, google+ and anywhere else you can think of!

and Finally - Have FUN!


Follow Mom Loves 2 Read on  


Follow this week's Co-Hosts

(none this week - email me if you'd like to Co-Host)

Each week the link up will be open from Noon on Sunday 'til 11:55pm on Tuesday (cst)

You can post your links during that time, then have the rest of the week to hop around and read all the great Mommy Moments Posts!

Would you like to be a Co-Host?  If you are interested in Co-Hosting, email Susan ~ MomLoves2Read(at)itv-3(dot)com.  I'd love to have you!


Blog Archive