How can a work-at-home mom raise kids, juggle a
career and take care of family responsibilities with only 24-hour days? Working
at home while raising kids and juggling a career and family responsibilities is
no easy feat. Author and homeschooling mom Tricia Goyer shares her tips for
finding balance among all your many hats as a mom. Balancing is a process and a
journey, one that Tricia herself has yet to perfect. But between writing more
than forty books, raising and
homeschooling six kids, being a wife, and being
active in her community, she has amassed valuable tips she shares in
The book includes tips
-how to create focus themes for your
-how to prioritize your schedule
-how to utilize your job so it also benefits your
-how to keep yourself out of the comparison
-how to make working at home work for
-and much more!
Purchase a copy, get a free downloadable workbook,
and learn more at Tricia's website.
My Review:
A great book for how to balance all the tasks that often overwhelm moms, whether you work outside your home, work at home, or have your home and family as your work. Written with every Mom's struggles in mind, aughot Tricia Goyer shows that there are ways to achieve Balance even when it all seems so chaotic!
I personally love how she tells of her personal struggles to "keep up" with how she views other Moms' relationships with their children. We each have to find what is right for our family and not compare ourselves and our children to how we view others.
I loved how easy her tips are to implement and her real life stories of her struggles, challenges and successes. I'll be joining the 11 day challenge - each day covers one chapter of this great book. I'd love to have you join me!
USA Today best-selling
author Tricia Goyer is the author of over 35 books, including the three-book
Seven Brides for Seven Bachelors series and Lead Your Family Like
Jesus,(co-written with Ken Blanchard). She has written over 500 articles
for national publications and blogs for high traffic sites like
and She is the host of Living Inspired, a weekly radio show.
Tricia and family live in Little Rock, Arkansas. They have six children.
Here’s what you’ll need to do:
- First, fill out the form found at the bottom of this page (you only need to do this once).
- Make sure you have a copy of Balanced (available for $2.99 digital download from Amazon and Barnes & Noble). Each challenge will correspond with a chapter in the book.
- Read and implement the challenge. It’ll work best if you have a blog
that you can post your progress on (but if you don’t have one, social
media works too). - After finishing the challenge, write about it on your blog (or as a Facebook status or a couple of tweets).
- Head back to my blog and link your blog post so others can see your progress and I can stop by your blog to give you some encouragement.
What are you waiting for?
Get Balanced!
Join the Challenge with Me!
Disclosure: I received free the item(s) mentioned in this post in exchange for my honest review. Regardless ~ All my reviews are my honest and personal opinion. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”.
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