Teton Sports is a great website that supplies many of the most common needs for campers, hikers, scouts and more. My son Josh has become a Boy Scout (previously a Cub Scout) this past spring and was excited to finally go to Boy Scout Camp last month. The only problem we had was figuring out how he was going to carry all of his stuff for an entire week by himself for nearly a mile over three LARGE hills. We were fortunate to get a second-hand external frame backpack as his main pack and use a regular school backpack as his second one.
Many of his friends had nice Internal frame backpacks to use. I thought that by next year I would make sure he had one of the internal frame ones as the External frame seemed very heavy and cumbersome for him. Though it did have a lot of room for his supplies and clothes!
When TetonSports.com offered me a chance to review for them, I chose an Internal Frame Backpack as my review product. Unfortunately it was too late for camp, but still worth trying out!
This amazing backpack comes with some great features:
pad and molded channels provides maximum comfort and allows airflow (much more comfortable than external frame packs!)
Josh and I both absolutely love this backpack. My husband even checked it out (inside and out) and says it is a much better one that his and is better made! It also has more pockets, and even though it is a bit "smaller" it has more clips and straps to add gear to than the one my husband uses.
So for your camping, scouting, hiking or outdoor and travel needs, check
out Teton Sports first! With a wide range of gear available they are a
great place for more than just backpacks! Now he wants one from Teton as well!Josh has his eye on a camp pad from Teton Sports for next year's Scout Camp adventures!
You can find Teton Sports on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube!
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