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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

School teacher gets creative with lesson challenging students in a very fun way!

Sorry I've been MIA for so long from my blogging but life and growing children are taking up much more of my "free" time than ever before!  I will keep posting from time to time with new and fun books and authors that I have found to share with  you and occasional random posts just for kicks!

For today I have a very special website to share with all of my faithful readers and friends . . .

My son Josh, who will be 14 this summer, is currently in the 7th grade at our local Jr High School.  His Language Arts teacher assigned his class a 3-part project and he has asked me to share his with you so he can get more views for his website portion as part of his grade (so please take a moment after reading this to stop by and let him know I sent you!)

Part 1 of his project was to come up with a personal challenge of some sort.  Some examples that his classmates chose are: service hours in their  neighborhood, building legos, or personal sports challenges (like improving their score), Josh chose to do Hiking. . . he along with friends and family will walk/hike as many miles as they can each week of the assignment.

Part 2 of his project is to start, work on and update a Weebly website that pertains to the challenge chosen.  His website -   has information about this assignment, about hiking safety and an ongoing blog updates of the miles that he and friends/family have walked/hiked along with fun facts about different places he is hiking.

Part 3 of his projects consists of doing a fundraising event.  Josh has wisely chosen to combine all three aspects of this assignment into one larger project.  He is raising money by asking friends, family and acquaintances to sponsor his hiking by giving either a donation per mile or a set amount.  ALL money's collected will be used to purchase needed foods for our local food bank . . . **Midwest Food Bank.   Through Midwest Food Bank many local food pantries are stocked that help aid thousands of local families during their time of need.

Now, you might be asking yourself . . . Why is she sharing all this?  What is the purpose?  Is she asking me for money?

The answer is simply this.  As part of this assignment, Josh NEEDS as many people as possible and willing to stop by his website and look around a bit and possibly leave a comment for him.  I'm asking that you, my friends and readers would do this for him.

Am I asking for money?  No, if you want to donate simply email me or him and let us know -  donations are welcome but NOT the purpose of this post . . . as I stated, website visits are highly encouraged and greatly welcome!

**Midwest Food Bank (MFB) - Morton Division is not a direct food pantry that serves individuals. Instead, MFB is a food bank, serving as a distribution center to smaller food banks and food pantries. MFB Morton provides food & disaster relief supplies regionally, nationally, and internationally. In this way, we aim to positively impact as many families as possible.


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