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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Great Book Ideas for this Christmas Season @JKSLitPublicity

Check out these new and exciting books for the children in your life.  Just in time for Christmas - most available in print and ebook formats!

Marissa Moss - Mira's Diary: Bombs Over London - @CrestonBooks

In the third book of the popular time-travel series, Mira navigates her way through WWI London, meeting famous suffragists and writers like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Instructed by her time-traveling mother to steal a German spy's briefcase full of secrets and pass on the information to British Intelligence, Mira struggles with whether the changes she has been working for are the right thing
to do after all. How much control do we really want of history? When is it best to leave our fate in destiny's hands?

Marcia Goldman - Lola Goes to the Doctor @CrestonBooks

Children will identify with Lola as she nervously waits to be called into the doctor's office. Lola feels a little bit brave when the doctor looks into her ears, a little braver when he examines her teeth, and bravest of all when she gets a shot.

Darlene Beck Jacobsen - Wheels of Change @CrestonBooks

Racial intolerance, social change, and sweeping progress make 1908 Washington, D.C., a turbulent place to grow up in for 12-year-old Emily Soper. For Emily, life in Papa’s carriage barn is magic, and she's more at home hearing the symphony of the blacksmith’s hammer than trying to conform to the proper expectations of young ladies. When Papa’s livelihood is threatened by racist neighbors and horsepower of a different sort, Emily faces changes she'd never imagined. Finding courage and resolve she didn't know she had, Emily strives to save Papa’s business, even if it means going all the way to the White House.

Jeron Frame - Winter Candle @CrestonBooks

When each family at the diverse Juniper Court apartment complex needs something to light up the dark of winter, the stumpy, lumpy candle provides a glow brighter than the fanciest taper, revealing the true spirit of each holiday it illuminates.

Maureen Kanefield - The Magic of Maxwell and his Tail @mkanefield

Everyone has magic but sometimes you have to search to find out what it is. That’s what Maxwell 

Mouse had to do. And he discovered that what he thought was something very bad was actually 

something very good, indeed.

The Magic of Maxwell and His Tail is more than just a charming, wonderfully illustrated story. With 

childlike innocence, it presents an inspiring motivational model for youngsters—especially gifted kids and those with special needs—to take another look at themselves and recognize their unique gifts. It shows them how to see beyond what appear to be limitations and appreciate them as positive attributes that will help them to soar.

Written by an educator with over 30 years in the trenches and based on sound educational principles acknowledging the various ways children learn (multiple intelligences), The Magic of Maxwell and His Tail is a micro-guide to life. It will delight children as they celebrate Maxwell’s triumphs, and warm the hearts of parents as they watch their kids discover how perfectly special they are.

The Magic of Maxwell and His Tail is the first in a series of books to entertain, educate, and encourage children to be their better selves.

The Galactic Academy of Science Series, which includes: - @Tumblehome

With time travel and mysteries that need solving, the Galactic Academy of Science (G.A.S.) series instructs readers on how to think like scientists. Under the guidance of a Dude or Dudette from the future, the middle school characters are faced with treacherous, present-day crimes that require a historical knowledge of science in order to be solved. From investigating problems to analyzing data and constructing explanations and solutions, this series blends elements of sci-fi with educational methods that distill the key thinking habits of scientists and engineers.

The Desperate Case of the Diamond Chip

When the Russian scientist Professor Gufov accuses Clinton of stealing his invention, all Mae and Clinton want to do is get away and work on their science project. But that’s before a Dudette from the future tells them about the Galactic Academy of Science and sends them on a mission back in time to beef up their scientific knowledge. Mae and Clinton meet Dmitri Mendeleev, Niels Bohr, John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Robert Noyce. They break up a séance, escape the Gestapo, jump from a plane, and return with enough understanding of how electronics work that they can tackle the mystery of the Russian scientist and search for the missing diamond chip.

The Furious Case of the Fraudulent Fossil

On a museum visit, Benson and Anita meet a famous paleontologist showing off his newest fossil find: a missing link between dinosaurs and birds. But something doesn't feel right. Then a Dude from the future sends them back in time to visit an ancient Chinese scientist, dig a huge sea monster out of a cliff, and outwit a fossil thief. Benson and Anita need to root out and expose a fraudulent fossil. 

More books in this series:

The Vicious Case of the Viral Vaccine

The Harrowing Case of the Hackensack Hacker

The Cryptic Case of the Coded Fair

Barnas G Monteith - Dinosaur Eggs and Blue Ribbons

A personal look at science fairs from the varied perspectives of a successful participant, judge, policymaker, and science fair organization leader

Dinosaur Eggs and Blue Ribbons takes young readers on a journey into adventure science as experienced by a young aspiring scientist who turned scientific inspiration into scientific success. The book is full of anecdotes and advice from the world of STEM education and contains practical advice about judging, display boards, and other preparations for the big science fair day. Throughout the text and appendix are examples of original, winning science fair materials as well as links to a wide variety of proprietary online resources which complement the text. In the end, the hardships are all worthwhile when you work alongside some of the top scientists in the field, make groundbreaking discoveries, and win big in the science fair and beyond!


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